In a nutshell...
Patricia Cameron-Hill and Shayne Yates are a very funny doctor/nurse duo. They deliver presentations that inform, inspire and encourage audiences to live and work differently. The fun and laughter puts people in a good mood so they are more accepting of the topic, receptive to the ideas and likely to remember them. Audiences leave feeling revitalised, optimistic and ready to use the ideas immediately.
Why we are able to do this:
- A sound knowledge base.
- Authors of the book You won’t die laughing! (35,000 copies sold)
- Authors of a wide-range of audio-visual training DVDs.
- Over 20 years speaking experience. (Patricia was the first woman to receive CPS status, the highest award for made by the Nat. Speakers Assoc. Aust. In 1993)
- Two speakers offer a male/female balance and contrasting styles.
- Commitment to audience research so that facts, insights and humour are appropriate.